Monday, February 16, 2009


Technology Leadership In Schools: The use of technology in schools has come a long way since the early days of the one-room school house. Technology has become an integral part of the education system. Giving both students and teachers a new way to think, learn and teach.
The white board is one form of "new technology", although it is not a computer, it has virtually taken over where the old standard - the chalk board left off.

Smart boards are perhaps the newest form of technology integrated into the 21st century classroom. It is interactive and is used both by the teacher as well as the students. This wonderful form of technology makes learning fun and takes it to a whole new level.

Rethinking Technology in Schools: Chapter 4: Technology Leadership:
In terms of technology leadership; in the United States of America it is stated that "as of 2007, the No Child Left Behind Law requires all eighth graders to be tested for technological literacy" (Domine, 2009, p. 79). Although we do not have the same sort of law here in Canada, it still brings home the point that many students are advanced in terms of technology leadership. Parents are from the generation that lacks the same sort of technological leadership that their children have.

Chapter 4 also addresses the idea of Media Ecology. The term Media Ecology is a "field of study concerned with the impact of technologies on other environments, such as; family, government, business, and education" (Domine, 2009, p. 79). In other words, Media Ecology looks at how "environmentally friendly" a specific technology really is.

The author also goes on to say that "Media Ecologists are interested in how technology has been adapted, institutionalized, and used, and by whom" (Domine, 2009, p. 80). For example, paper is saved by using on-line banking to pay your bills. A consumer no longer requires the use of a paper bill to pay a bill, thus, making the idea of on-line banking environmentally friendly.

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