Monday, January 12, 2009


The smart board is an incredible piece of technology that is being used more and more in the classroom setting. It is a wonderful interactive way for children to learn.

Computers are often used in conjunction with a smart board in the classroom setting. It is hard to imagine the class of 30 years ago that did not have either piece of technology. Now a days, I can not imagine a classroom without a smart board or computer, it certainly helps the educator teach, and aids in the learning process of the students.

Adult Perspectives of Technology:
In chapter 2, pages 32 to 34 of the textbook entitled "Rethinking Technology in Schools", we addressed how adults see technology. I found the in class lecture discussion of this topic very, very interesting. At first, I thought I was only a celebrant when thinking of my perspective of technology. The celebrant perspective addresses "the belief that the positive aspects of technology outweigh any potential negative effects. It assumes that technology is of ultimate benefit to education" (p. 33). However, as I continued listening to the class discussion of this topic, I quickly realized that I have a perspective of technology that embodies the four that were discussed. They are; celebrant, educated consumer, protectionist and cultural critic. However, I still strongly leaned towards the celebrant perspective as my strongest perspective.

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