Monday, March 30, 2009


Students can help fellow classmates in media labs; which in turn makes the experience rewarding for everyone concerned.

Working in any computer lab can often be challenging, but at the same time an interesting and rewarding experience for all students concerned. With technology being implemented more and more into the classroom setting, it is imperative that students become technologically literate.

I decided to write my final blog about the media video that I have been working on for the past month. I now how a new appreciation for people who work in the film industry. I found it incredibly easy to do the filming for our production, however the editing has taken me forever to complete. I suppose it does not help that my partner has been very sick for almost two weeks and the video editing has fallen on my shoulders.
I really think that the assignment has taught me a lot about Imovie, and I am now very confident about doing any work under this program. However, I must say that had it not been for my wonderful T.A. (David R.) I had in my media lab, I would not have been as successful as I have been in putting the finishing touches on the video.
I have heard from many of my classmates that there has not been enough time spent in class to teach students how to use this program in an effective manner. My suggestion for the next time that this class is being taught, please make sure that the T.A.'s and the instructors know what has to be done, in terms of this assignment. Also, it is important that there is enough time spent in lab making sure students are able to do what is being asked of them. Many students are concerned that they will get low grades on this video because of their lack of knowledge when using Imovie. This could be attributed to the very little time that was spent in many labs teaching how to use this important program.

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